Thursday, September 8, 2022
HomeElectronicsVitality harvesting PMIC present wi-fi connectivity

Vitality harvesting PMIC present wi-fi connectivity

Telink’s TLSR8273-M-EH supplies low-power wi-fi connectivity, vitality autonomy, and energy administration in a compact 23×21-mm module. The half combines Telink’s multiprotocol wi-fi connectivity SoC with Nowi’s vitality harvesting PMIC to make batteryless operation potential for a variety of IoT purposes.

With its multiprotocol radio, 32-bit MCU, and embedded reminiscence, the TLSR8273-M-EH helps varied requirements within the 2.4-GHz ISN band, together with Bluetooth LE 5.1, Bluetooth mesh, IEEE 802.15.4, Zigbee, RF4CE, 6LoWPAN, and Thread. It additionally has a PTA {hardware} interface for Wi-Fi coexistence. The module works with varied varieties of rechargeable batteries utilizing an onboard USB charger or the vitality harvester. Alternatively, the vitality harvester can be utilized with supercapacitors to make finish gadgets batteryless.

The module is appropriate with Telink’s software program improvement kits, permitting clients to improve their merchandise with minimal effort. One utility for the TLSR8273-M-EH is in tv distant controls that harvest vitality from indoor lighting utilizing a PV cell. A reference design based mostly on the TLSR8273-M-EH is obtainable for such distant management merchandise.

Samples of the TLSR8273-M-EH wi-fi connectivity module can be found now.

TLSR8273-M-EH datasheet

Telink Semiconductor


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