Wednesday, July 13, 2022
HomeElectronicsThis small machine helps take a look at 1000's of previous PS/2...

This small machine helps take a look at 1000’s of previous PS/2 keyboards

This small machine helps take a look at 1000’s of previous PS/2 keyboards

Arduino WorkforceJuly twelfth, 2022

Some classic pc keyboards, particularly models just like the IBM Mannequin M, are nonetheless fairly fascinating. Often they’re common amongst mechanical keyboard or retro computing fanatics who need period-correct {hardware}. YouTuber Midwest Cyberpunk had 1000’s of those previous keyboards and wanted a option to take a look at them. So he constructed this small Arduino-based machine that shows the textual content enter from PS/2 keyboards.

IBM developed the PS/2 port customary within the ’80s for the IBM Private System/2 collection of computer systems. By the ’90s, it was the usual for connecting keyboards and mice to PCs. USB made the PS/2 port nearly out of date within the ‘00s, which signifies that there aren’t many trendy computer systems that also have PS/2 ports. Midwest Cyberkpunk may have used a classic pc for testing his keyboards, however needed a extra transportable possibility. This PS/2 Keyboard Tester machine is straightforward to hold and gives prompt outcomes.

Within the customized 3D-printed case is an Arduino Nano, a do-it-yourself breakout board, a LiPo battery charger and booster board, and a 16×2 character backlit LCD. The Arduino sketch makes use of a PS/2 library that may learn the character hex codes from customary keyboards. As soon as powered on, Midwest Cyberpunk can merely plug the keyboard into the machine. Any key he presses on the keyboard will present up on the LCD display, so he can shortly press each key to make sure that all of them work. It’s an environment friendly and reasonably priced option to take a look at giant portions of classic keyboards in a brief period of time.

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