Saturday, October 22, 2022
HomeGame DevelopmentInterplay between interfaces with C# Unity

Interplay between interfaces with C# Unity

I am making a Mindustry-type prototype. Some block (reminiscent of miners) can output useful resource (with the IOutput interface), some block (reminiscent of containers) can enter these useful resource (with IInput) and a few can do each.

All of them may have the IStorage interface (for storage) with AddToStorage and RemoveFromStorage strategies.

namespace Conveyor
    public class bulkItem
        public int itemCount;
        public int id;

        public bulkItem(int iC, int i)
            itemCount = iC; id = i;

    interface IBlockStorage
        public int maxCapacity {get;}
        public Record<bulkItem> gadgets {get; set;}

        public void InitializeStorage();
        public void AddToStorage(bulkItem merchandise);
        public void RemoveFromStorage(bulkItem merchandise);

The problem is, the place ought to the script for transportation (for instance, transporting constructing materials) be connected?

Ought to the output blocks actively searches for enter blocks, then use RemoveFromStorage on itself, and AddToStorage on the enter blocks it discovered? Or vice-versa?

Or ought to there be an common InputOutputManager script someplace and remotely use AddToStorage and RemoveFromStorage to these enter/output blocks?

What can be essentially the most code-efficient methodology of doing this?



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