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HomeWordPress Developmentarchive template - How one can make posts beneath customized put up...

archive template – How one can make posts beneath customized put up sort not generate a URL / put up

I’ve a customized put up sort referred to as integrations, which is getting used to host fundamental data for integrations.

This is how I’ve registered the put up sort:

    // $slug, $singular, $plural
    'integrations', 'Integration', 'Integrations',
      'menu_position' => 21,
      'has_archive' => false,
      'public' => false,
      'hierarchical' => false,
      'helps' => array('title', 'revisions'),
      'taxonomies' => array('classes'),

Now, I even have a web page referred to as “Integrations” which sits on /integrations. So as to make the archive web page use the web page template as a substitute, I’ve used template_include:

operate custom_integrations_template( $template ) {
  if ( is_page( 'integrations' )  ) {
    $new_template = locate_template( array( 'integration-page-template.php' ) );
    if ( '' != $new_template ) {
      return $new_template ;
  return $template;

add_filter( 'template_include', 'custom_integrations_template', 999 );


<?php get_header(); ?>

<?php whereas ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
    <?php the_content(); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>

<?php get_footer(); ?>

Now, this is the place my points start.

Beneath the “Integrations” customized put up sort, I’ve a put up referred to as “TaxCalc”, which sits on /integrations/taxcalc/.

Nonetheless, I additionally have to create a web page, which will likely be a toddler of the “Integrations” web page which sits on /integrations/taxcalc/.

Presently, after I entry /integrations/taxcalc/, it takes me to a clean web page, which is the put up model.

Ideally, I don’t need the posts beneath the “Integrations” put up sort to generate any URLs. To do that, I’ve tried 'publicly_queryable' => false, nonetheless, it doesn’t do something.

How can I stop a put up sort from producing URLs and would this trigger any knock on results? For instance, stop me from creating pages beneath the identical slug?

Edit (response to @Lewis)

Thanks for the reply. I’ve added 'rewrite' => false, however the concern nonetheless stays.

Under is an integration put up and you’ll see the permalink within the screenshot too:

enter image description here

Once I go to that permalink /integrations/card-taxcalc/, it takes me to a web page with simply the header and footer. Ideally, this put up should not exist.

Now, beneath is a screenshot of my TaxCalc web page setup:

enter image description here

As you’ll be able to see, this web page sits on /integrations/taxcalc/. Nonetheless, after I go to this URL, it redirects me to /integrations/card-taxcalc/

Edit 2


class theme_PTTaxArgBuilder{

   * Choices will likely be merged into these, versus utilizing
   * the usual WordPress defaults.
   * @var array
  public $postDefaults = array(
      'public'                => true,
      'publicly_queryable'    => true,
      'show_ui'               => true,
      'show_in_menu'          => true,
      'query_var'             => true,
      'rewrite'                => array( 'slug' => '' ),
      'capability_type'       => 'put up',
      'has_archive'           => true,
      'hierarchical'          => false,
      'helps'              => array( 'title', 'editor', 'writer', 'excerpt', 'thumbnail' ),

   * Choices will likely be merged into these, versus utilizing
   * the usual WordPress defaults.
   * @var array
  public $taxonomyDefaults = array(
      'hierarchical'          => true,
      'show_ui'               => true,
      'show_admin_column'     => true,
      'update_count_callback' => '_update_post_term_count',
      'query_var'             => true,
      'rewrite'               => array( 'slug' => '' ),

   * Construct the put up sorts labels primarily based solely on the capitalised
   * singular and plural kind.
   * @param string $singular Singular & capitalised kind for the put up sort, eg 'Put up'
   * @param string $plural   Plural & capitalised kind for the put up sort, eg 'Posts'
  public operate buildPostLabels( $singular="Put up", $plural="Posts" )
      if($singular != 'Put up' && $plural == 'Posts' ) {
          $plural = $singular . 's';

      $labels = array(
          'title'               => _x($plural, 'put up sort normal title', 'lightbox'),
          'singular_name'      => _x($singular, 'put up sort singular title', 'lightbox'),
          'menu_name'          => _x($plural, 'admin menu', 'lightbox'),
          'name_admin_bar'     => _x($singular, 'add new on admin bar', 'lightbox'),
          'add_new'            => _x('Add New', $singular, 'lightbox'),
          'add_new_item'       => __('Add New ' . $singular, 'lightbox'),
          'new_item'           => __('New ' . $singular, 'lightbox'),
          'edit_item'          => __('Edit ' . $singular, 'lightbox'),
          'view_item'          => __('View ' . $singular, 'lightbox'),
          'all_items'          => __('All ' . $plural, 'lightbox'),
          'search_items'       => __('Search ' . $plural, 'lightbox'),
          'parent_item_colon'  => __('Mum or dad ' . $plural . ':', 'lightbox'),
          'not_found'          => __('No ' . strtolower($plural) . ' discovered.', 'lightbox'),
          'not_found_in_trash' => __('No ' . strtolower($plural) . ' present in Trash.', 'lightbox'),

      return $labels;

   * Generate the entire arguments prepared for put up sort creation,
   * together with the URL slug and merging of recent defaults above.
   * @param string $slug     The URL slug for the put up sort, eg 'posts'
   * @param string $singular Singular & capitalised kind for the put up sort, eg 'Put up'
   * @param string $plural   Plural & capitalised kind for the put up sort, eg 'Posts'
   * @param array  $args     Further arguments to override the defaults
  public operate buildPostArgs( $slug, $singular="Put up", $plural="Posts", $args = array() )
      $args = wp_parse_args($args, $this->postDefaults);

      $args['rewrite']['slug'] = $slug;

      $args['labels'] = $this->buildPostLabels($singular, $plural);

      return $args;

   * Construct the taxonomies labels primarily based solely on the capitalised
   * singular and plural kind.
   * @param string $singular Singular & capitalised kind for the taxonomy, eg 'Class'
   * @param string $plural   Plural & capitalised kind for the taxonomy, eg 'Classes'
  public operate buildTaxonomyLabels( $singular="Class", $plural="Classes" )
      if($singular != 'Class' && $plural == 'Classes' ) {
          $plural = $singular . 's';

      $labels = array(
          'title'                       => _x($plural, 'taxonomy normal title'),
          'singular_name'              => _x($singular, 'taxonomy singular title'),
          'search_items'               => __('Search ' . $plural),
          'all_items'                  => __('All ' . $plural),
          'parent_item'                => __('Mum or dad ' . $singular),
          'parent_item_colon'          => __('Mum or dad ' . $singular . ':'),
          'edit_item'                  => __('Edit ' . $singular),
          'update_item'                => __('Replace ' . $singular),
          'add_new_item'               => __('Add New ' . $singular),
          'new_item_name'              => __('New ' . $singular . ' Title'),
          'menu_name'                  => __($plural),
          // Tags
          'popular_items'              => __('Standard ' . $plural),
          'separate_items_with_commas' => __('Separate ' . strtolower($plural) . ' with commas'),
          'add_or_remove_items'        => __('Add or take away ' . strtolower($plural)),
          'choose_from_most_used'      => __('Select from essentially the most used ' . strtolower($plural)),
          'not_found'                  => __('No ' . strtolower($plural) . ' discovered.'),

      return $labels;

   * Generate the entire arguments prepared for taxonomy creation,
   * together with the URL slug and merging of recent defaults above.
   * @param string $slug     The URL slug for the taxonomy, eg 'class'
   * @param string $singular Singular & capitalised kind for the taxonomy, eg 'Class'
   * @param string $plural   Plural & capitalised kind for the taxonomy, eg 'Classes'
   * @param array  $args     Further arguments to override the defaults
  public operate buildTaxonomyArgs( $slug, $singular="Class", $plural="Classes", $args = array() )
      $args = wp_parse_args($args, $this->taxonomyDefaults);

      $args['rewrite']['slug'] = $slug;

      $args['labels'] = $this->buildTaxonomyLabels($singular, $plural);

      return $args;

* These public capabilities exist as procedural capabilities to maintain in fashion
* with WordPress theme improvement.
operate theme_build_post_args( $slug, $singular="Put up", $plural="Posts", $args = array() )
  $builder = new theme_PTTaxArgBuilder;
  return $builder->buildPostArgs($slug, $singular, $plural, $args);



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